Police investigating reports of spiking by injection incidents in Glasgow

Several spiking incidents involving injections have been reported around Scotland.Several spiking incidents involving injections have been reported around Scotland.
Several spiking incidents involving injections have been reported around Scotland.
Police are investigating reports of spiking incidents, involving injections, in Glasgow.

What is spiking by injection?

Reports have been circulating around social media of people being ‘spiked by injection’ in nightclubs with women posting pictures of marks on their skin after falling ill on a night out.

This has happened across the UK, including Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow.

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Spiking by injection describes the act of one person spiking another, but instead of placing a pill in a drink, it is done through the use of a needle.

Spiking by injection carries extra risks as unclean or shared needles pose threats of HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

Spiking by injection symptoms are similar to that of being spiked via a pill in a drink.

What is Police Scotland saying?

A statement from Police Scotland said: “We are aware of posts circulating on social media about spiking incidents involving injections in Scotland.

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“Officers are carrying out enquiries, and a small number of reports from the Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow areas are being investigated.

“These do not appear to be linked.

“We take all reports seriously and we would encourage anyone who believes they have been a victim of spiking in any form to contact Police via 101.”

What are campaign groups and charities saying?

Sandy Brindley from Rape Crisis Scotland said: “Reports of spiking by injection are obviously deeply concerning and are having a very real impact on how safe particularly women are feeling entering bars and clubs.

“We agree with all those calling for venues to do better and ensure that they are taking every possible measure to prevent abusive men from having access to their premises and being able to perpetrate harm, and in responding robustly to reports when this does happen.”

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Campaign group Girls Night In has called for people across the UK’s cities to boycott clubs on October 28 to demonstrate that women and other people are ‘not comfortable going out so long as nightclubs are enabling spiking.’

A Girls Night In spokesperson said: “Spiking has become an epidemic.

“This not getting ‘black-out drunk’, this is getting drugged and something that can b e changed.

“We are asking clubs and bars to increase their entry security. We are asking clubs and bars to provide free drink protection devices (drink divers etc). We are asking clubs and bars to provide a clear and obvious medical centre and a safe way to get home.

“This is not a stay at home message. This is asking our students to protest against the clubs and bars. They are not responding to our complaints so we must make them.”

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